Saturday, June 4, 2011


It has been a long time people! Just to catch you up on a few things, of course as you all know I got the prescription for testosterone, and I was waiting on the approval code form my insurance company. How about they denied me! I was a little taken aback by all of this and the first thing I did was contact my HR rep. I simply told her that I was under the impression that I would be covered for my HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). I ended up having to fork over $90 for my T. Come to find out, the insurance company gave me the wrong information and all I need to do is fax over my receipts and my Rx labels and I will get reimbursed. LOL. I was 5000 hot when they told me I was denied for coverage on my prescription. But today is shot day, and for the past 2 weeks, my homeboy has been giving me my shot (from his bottle). Which I owe him 2 shots now, but this morning my ex actually gave me my shot and she did really good! I filled the syringe for her and the whole while she was asking me, now how do i stick you? LOL. I was like just push the needle in.... Is it all the way in? Yes! LOL. Okay.... now push the testosterone in slowly.... is it going in? No.... what am I doing wrong? LOL. Nothing, it's just thick that's all.... OKAY OKAY... ITS GOING IN! Good.... is it all in? Yes... now what do I do? Pull the needle out and put a band aid on it, and you're done. I don't like doing that because I think it hurts you.... this was the extent of the conversation. LOL! I went to my barber today to get an edge up and he said wow! I notice the changes already! He is one of my biggest supporters during my transition. I was scared when I first told him because I didn't want him to be out of the loop when he has to trim my goatee and mustache.... but he was very open and sensitive to it and now he is loving seeing the changes and all. It seems like since I have been on T, I am a lot calmer with my emotions. I do have more energy and my sex drive has increased. I go to the gym everyday... I've noticed that I have lost weight in some areas and that I have gained some muscle. I seem to be stronger... there was a point when i couldn't do 5 push ups in a row and now I can do 15 in a row with no problem. I run a lot more now (killing the cardio), and I do a lot of weight training for my chest and arms. I want to make sure that when I go and have the top surgery, that my chest will be nice once I heal. I do situps (about 70 a day), so I can get the ab definition that I want as well.....

On another note, I have still yet to tell my parents and I haven't mailed their letter off either. i guess I am procrastinating.... which doesn't help the situation any better, but I don't know. i feel like I should tell them, but in a way it's my life and I don't need anyone's approval of what I do in it. I guess I just want them informed before they see me and really see the changes.

I still haven't gotten any of my paperwork changed over either.... I keep trying to push myself to get up in the morning and get the shyt done! I need to get my SS# card changed and then once I do that, i can get my driver's license changed and then everything else (i.e. bank, paycheck, etc.). I will post pictures the next time so you can see the changes week by week.

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