Thursday, December 8, 2011


It's been a long, long, long time. This month will make 7 months on testosterone. I have increased in facial hair, my voice is deeper, my skin is thicker, I am hairier, and I have an extremely low tolerance level for bullshit now. I will be setting up my top surgery at the beginning of next year (YAY ME), and I have been actively educating those who are not familiar with FTM's or transitioning. I still have not told my mother or father about my transition, and you think that I would by now after 7 months. I am really trying to wait until my sister moves out so she won't get the blunt end of the stick once I inform them of my decision. I am no longer afraid to lose them, but I am afraid of how they might treat my twin. So this is why I will wait... I have been through so much in the past 3, 4 months... I won't even go into that much detail. i find myself alone in my transition process. Those who were there in the beginning are no longer there, and those who have supported me continue to doubt my process. I am fine with that, as I am not transitioning for anyone else, I began my transition long before I knew those who have their heads so far up their asses all they can talk is shit, and to question my transition or why I'm transitioning, you can kick rocks and kiss my ass. I am a transman. God saw fit for me to experience the life of a female, and appreciate a woman, before he gave me the courage to take the steps in becoming the man he wanted me to be all along.

Now that I have all of that off of my chest.... As far as my surgery, I have decided to go with Dr. Garramone. He does not take insurance, and that is alright with me. I am willing to pay out of pocket... I'm going to get the money back anyway through my insurance company. Beginning January 1st, 2012, my employer will be covering my Sex Reassignment Surgeries... so no worries. I have found many ways to increase my income. This includes school, a part time job, and a side business I have created for myself. It is a tough job, but someone has to do it. I do not expect any help from anyone in regards to what I am trying to do. I will gladly take donations and will not turn them down, but I am not expecting them. This is my process, and I would love to see myself through to the end. I am excited to get my date set and get things on a roll. Hopefully, I will get everything done soon, and I will be able to post my photos.