Sunday, August 21, 2011


Today makes 3 months that I have been on testosterone (14 shots). It feels good to finally see some of the changes that the hormone can do! My voice has dropped once again, and it's kind of funny trying to talk sometimes. If I do not talk in my normal tone of voice (now), it will crack and sometimes squeak! LOL. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself. I have noticed that my little man down below has grown.... a lot! I know that might be a TMI situation, but hell, it's my blog and I am documenting all of the changes that are taking place! I have noticed that my skin is a little tougher than it once was, and my face has become oilier, which in turn, i am getting acne all over again, just like when I was going through puberty. It is not as bad, as I clean my skin often!!!! I have noticed that my muscle has changed as well.... my arms are becoming stronger and all the fat that I once had is moving to my stomach area (beer belly). I'm working hard to get it off. For some reason, when I take my shot, I get extremely tired now.... but I have noticed that I am more hungry and my metabolism has increased... although I am tired all of the time. I tried to get my social security card changed as well as my driver's license  on Saturday, but the Social Security Administration offices were closed. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to get all of that done, so I will be able to change everything in the system at work. I hope that they take a new picture of me for my new ID card, considering I do not have my locs anymore. but I just wanted to come through and say HAPPY 3 MONTH ANNIVERSARY to me!!!

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